
28. August 2010

On Analogies, Racism, and Things More Egregious

re: this wikipaedic heap of good and righteous thinking: Israel and the apartheid analogy

The ANC’s AIDS denialism claimed several hundred thousand of lives, on top of other hundred thousands, mostly Matabele, killed or starved to death by Mr Mugabe’s Shona power base–that Mr being ANC South Africa’s protegé, that finances Zimbabwes‘ economy almost on its own and backs it at the UN and OAU whenever it can. So the comparison to the Apartheid state, who killed about 2.000 in the course of the 40 years of its existence is unwarranted, even for those who have an axe to grind–ironically, for those in particular; a comparison to the ANC would be far more egregious.

anti-racist pacifist action

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