
28. April 2018

Seuchen und Eroberer

Filed under: Conquista,Indianer,Spanien — by M. M. @ 15:50:39

Millionen Mayas, Azteken und andere Völker sind im Gefolge der Conquista an den eingeschleppten Seuchen der alten Welt gestorben, die auch jeder osmanische, arabische, oder mongolische Eroberer eingeschleppt hätte, wenn er im Bereich Schiffbau, Logistik und Nautik so gewieft gewesen wäre wie die Europäer. Um die 95% der gestorbenen Indigenen sind an diesen Seuchen gestorben, ohne je einem Eroberer begegnet zu sein, die Seuchen waren wesentlich schneller als die Eroberer. Die Spanier fanden es sehr bedauerlich, dass die Indios gestorben sind wie die Fliegen, denn sie wollten sie bekehren und in den Plantagen schuften lassen.

Der große Rest der Indianer ist an Hungersnöten im Gefolge des wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruchs gestorben, die Zahl der zu Tode gearbeiteten oder massakrierten ist vergleichsweise klein, die jährliche Menschenraubzüge der Azteken und Mayas zur Gewinnung von rituellen Schlachtopfern und zur Arrondierung von Gebieten dürfte sie weit in den Schatten gestellt haben. Ähnliches gilt auch für Nordamerika, wo Irokesen oder Apachen zu Mitindianern erstaunlich unnett waren, ob massakrierend oder sklavenhaltend, ganz anders als Karl-May-Leser und Klaus und Liesl von-und-zu-Bessermensch sich das so vorstellen.

Sehr empfehlenswert:

24. April 2018

Diversity in Europe

Filed under: diversity,Islam — by M. M. @ 19:07:37


> Pretty sure I didn’t though

I wrote that English, German and Scandinavians are closely related culturally, socially, religiously, and ethnically–that doesn’t make them the „same ethnicity“, neither in my words or reality. As for the still existing differences I’m pretty sure that I’m better informed than you’ll ever be–as it seems that goes for English semantics, too.

> can’t seem to give an example of a
> low diversity yet prosperous nation.

Nonsense, we both mentioned Japan already, they’re 98.5% Japanese according to official stats. Iceland and Finland are still around 94% mono-ethnic, what little non-Scandinavian diversity they have came in the last decades only–you could find that on your own given serious intent! Almost the same for Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, (Germans, French, and Italians sitting in their own Cantons, mostly not bothering to learn each other’s languages). For the last time–all of this goes for most Western nations, too–what non-European diversity they have came post-war, mostly after the 70ies.

30% of German Turks didn’t finish school, 48% are unemployed, (75% and 50% of Berlin’s Turks respectively) 54% of students with migrant background perform badly at school. Almost the same or even worse in all EU countries with Muslim immigrants, whether Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Pakistani, or Bangladeshi. Pretty much the same for the 197 million Muslims of India, btw, though they have been living there for centuries, many being the descendants of the former rulers. You’d be hard pressed to make the case that we own our prosperity to Muslim or any non-European immigration, ever, unless you go back to prehistory. Arguably, Overseas Anglos profited from Chinese immigration, but they are no fools and shun Muslim-crazed EU, they’re not thrilled by the few they have themselves.

I’ll block you if you
a) misreprersent my words
b) say something dumb
ever again.

22. April 2018

Bildung und Immigration in Deutschland

Filed under: Deutschland,immigration — by M. M. @ 17:03:38

Nach 50 Jahren islamischer Migration haben 20% aller Deutschtürken keinen Schulabschluss, (in Berlin sind es 75%!), 48% sind arbeitslos, (in Berlin sind es 50%!) haben 54% aller bis Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund katastrophale Schulleistungen, sind 20% aller Viertklässler funktionale Analphabeten (in Berlin sind es zwei Drittel aller Drittklässler!), das alles trotz fast jährlich steigender Sozial- und Bildungsausgaben. Zustände wie im Kaiserreich vor 150 Jahren und die Katastrophe geht ungebremst weiter, obergrenzenlos.

Jeder fünfte junge Deutschtürke ohne Schulabschluss
Fast jeder zweite Türke im erwerbsfähigen Alter ist nicht erwerbstätig. Viele gehen weder einem Beruf nach noch sind sie offiziell als arbeitslos gemeldet. Besonders drastisch sind die Zahlen für türkische Frauen – auch in Deutschland.
Gut 54 Prozent der 15-Jährigen, die Migranten der ersten Generation sind, erzielen demnach nur schwache Leistungen; können beispielsweise nur auf dem Grundschulniveau rechnen.
Die aktuellen Ergebnisse der Vergleichsarbeiten, die Berliner Drittklässler unter dem Namen Vera 3 schreiben und die dem „Tagesspiegel“ vor der offiziellen Veröffentlichung in der kommenden Woche bereits vorliegen, sind noch weit dramatischer. 24.000 Grundschüler nahmen teil, drei Viertel von ihnen erreichten die Regelstandards im Bereich Rechtschreibung nicht. Die Hälfte kommt nicht an die Mindestanforderungen heran.
Schockierende Zahlen – Türken gehen in Berlin unter
75 Prozent der Migranten türkischer Herkunft haben keinen Schulabschluss, fast jeder zweite ist arbeitslos.
Iglu-Studie: Fast jeder fünfte Viertklässler kann nicht richtig lesen. Viele Grundschüler in Deutschland haben massive Schwierigkeiten beim Lesen. „Es ist davon auszugehen, dass sie mit erheblichen Schwierigkeiten beim Lernen in allen Fächern in der Sekundarstufe I konfrontiert sein werden“

In Frankreich ist schon weiter, bereits 2015 wurde der Staatsnotstand ausgerufen, letzte Ostern mussten die Kirchen mit 70.000 Polizisten geschützt werden.

21. April 2018

Inbreeding II

Filed under: consanguineous marriage,english posts — by M. M. @ 07:11:43


> So when you refer to those countries and religions ‘inbreeding’ you’re only talking about when cousins mate. Right?

That’s the most common form, particularly in Muslim countries that had been Arabised culturally through conquest or trade. Among them marrying your father’s nieces is the most common form by far as it helps preserving the clan’s resources in patrilineal line. I understand that this practice is genetically particularly detrimental. The preferred scientific choice of words is consanguineous marriage which is a mouthful, „inbreeding“ gets understood by everyone–I don’t mince my words anymore.


Filed under: english posts,US — by M. M. @ 06:24:39


> You seem to be jumping back and forth between ethnicity and race.

(text at

I wrote about societal structures and its indices. You may assume that I see correlations and causations regarding ethnicity and race but I hardly was „jumping back and forth“ between these topics, that’s a misrepresentation.

> amazingly ethnically diverse

The settlers that built the US institutions for centuries where almost exclusively English and German, with a smattering of Scots and Scandinavians. Peoples that raided each other and later traded and interbred with each other for 2000 years, closely related culturally, socially, religiously, and ethnically. No Arabs, Chinese, Muslims, Hindus, or even South or East Europeans from across the Hajnal line–they would profit later from what the settlers built. The few blacks and Indians had no bearing whatsoever on the particular US way of structuring law, trade, parliament, and federal/state relations. Nothing amazingly „diverse“ there, as today’s new interest groups would like to relabel it–Northern Europeans with a particular bent on individualism and industry doing their thing. Cavaliers from the South who did things a bit differently got their brains bashed in and their societal quirks upended by the Yankees.

We find „amazing ethnic diversity“ in Brazil, South Africa, or the Balkans, not my cup of tea though corrupt and power-drunk oligarchs like it: Manchester capitalism all over, employers and share owners ruling supreme with Mickey Mouse governance. The best the West can hope for is the Singapore multicultural model–authoritarian rule by the dominant group but no corruption and a thriving economy. Even that isn’t to my liking and with mass immigration from Muslim, Latin, and African countries we won’t even have that

20. April 2018


Filed under: consanguineous marriage,english posts — by M. M. @ 03:02:09


Inbreeding is a defined medical and social problem.[1] If two white Europeans (or pink Africans, green Muslims or polka-dotted Ashkenasim) mate with their cousins…


…that’s inbreeding and bears a small risk for the health of their children. If their families do that for centuries, as eg the Hapsburgs did in Europe (see pictures below) and as is the norm for 30-60% of families in eg Islamic countries these risks compound massively with results as in Morocco cited above. I wish them all the best bc their pain is not my gain but I want these people do deal with that without bothering me.

What’s funny is that increasingly they deal with this openly and rationally, cf [2]. If we suggested they do what they increasingly are actually doing–checking genetically for inbreeding and aborting affected foetuses–that would be labelled as racist and social Darwinist by the new left. Thanks but no thanks.

19. April 2018

re monoethnic societies

Filed under: english posts,immigration — by M. M. @ 12:46:37


> monoethnic society
There is no such thing, even Japan has some millions Koreans, Burakumin, Ainu and others, may be North Korea comes close. For the sake of expediency I use the…

(text at

…label multicultural/multiethnic/religious which implies only verbally an monocultural opposite.

In practice there are no such platonic ideals, only approximations on a spectrum–on one side countries like Brazil, India, South Africa, the Balkans, most African or Muslim states, and many other South American countries who are either considerably corrupt, authoritarian, (by Western standards) or unequal (cf GINI index)

At the other extreme are Western countries with ethnic/cultural majorities between maybe 80-99% (eg ~80% whites in the USA, in EU mostly ~99%) till the 70/80ies, when the oligarchs began pushing mass immigration from the third world. There are commonly accepted indices for corruption, authoritarian structures, and inequality, the distribution is known and not disputed. I won’t make individual data based comparisons between eg Serbia and the Netherlands or Brazil and Japan to prove that one set is badly governed, that’s IMO pointless.


Immigration in Europe, Cont.

Filed under: english posts,Germany,immigration — by M. M. @ 12:09:14

From among the so called refugees in Germany since 2015 only a few percent attended (officially obligatory) language courses or learned a trade, we got the worst of the worst. The Turks that came from ca 1967-73 were labourers of acceptable diligence though mostly lacking education. They came bc of a sordid deal, Turkey was an important NATO-alley at the time and demanded it, they got backing by the US. The German industry used the unforeseen opportunity to delay costly modernisation, the used them as stoop labourers for dirty work with outdated machinery.

Many farmers in eg US/FR/IT/ES still employ stoop labour, too, to fend off costs for modern machinery, also, some crops still need manual labour–Mexicans/Latinos do this in the US and in Spain, North Africans in EU. Other industries are construction, gastronomy and menial many services like hair dressers, taxi drivers, etc. Employers of low grade manual labour skim off the best and foist the many unemployables on the taxpayer–privatising profits of globalisation and socialising costs. On top of that there are many other ways for private businesses to profit from illicit rip-offs using migrants, that’s a sideline of the immensely corrupt welfare sector.

The interest groups above (there are others…) profess

a) we need workers
b) open borders as a moral cause

for obvious reasons. On top of that even migrants on welfare are consumers whose expenses get paid by taxes–practically subsidies for those industries (consumer goods) and service providers (housing, medical services, communication, TV etc) that care for them.

On top of all that come ideological interests of the new left and tactical/strategical interests of the EU bureaucracy and the corporate sector–both oligarchies want to do away with the nation state for different reasons, so they elect themselves a new people without loyalty to the old social order.

Another interest group are the new minorities who distrust majorities for many reasons.  (and vice versa) Particularly if they come from clan-based societies they tend to prefer minority rule like in Syria (Shiites and other non-Sunnies rule over the Sunni majority) or Iraq. (under Saddam Sunnies and other minorities did rule over the Shia majority) The can’t help but to Balkanise society–that’s why they are so useful for the corrupt left and the oligarchs. Even worse, they’re backed by their countries of origin who want to expand into Europe.

On illiterate and semi-illiterate tribal idiocy

Filed under: english posts,immigration — by M. M. @ 07:33:42

I don’t advocate for a monocultural or mono-ethnic state, that doesn’t follow just bc I oppose a multicultural new order. I support the nation-state as it developed in Europe in the last 400 years or so with democracy, rule of law, parliament, and individual freedoms unparalleled elsewhere. These nation states have some minorities due to historic contingencies–democracy, rule of law etc ensuring that they get treated decently. A rational immigration policy as in Australia or NZ ensures that things stay as they are–open borders for illiterate and semi-illiterate tribal idiocy do not. Only corrupt shysters will insinuate that the nation-state is the precursor of national-socialism and authoritarian rule.

The Welfare State of the New German Reich

Filed under: english posts,Germany,immigration — by M. M. @ 06:31:43

It’s not much better in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, UK, Spain. In France it’s possibly even worse already they openly declared the state of emergency in 2015, this Eastern ~70.000 police and gendarmes were needed to protect the churches. Also, I think it’s mostly about the money. The German gov has allotted 94 billion € till 2020 to care for ~1.6 million ‚refugees‘. It’s customary for social expenses over here that ~20% get paid directly while the rest remains with the institutions as wages and fees for the helpers. Basically, the helpees help helpers to help themselves. Also, we’ve got around 20 millions of folks with ‚immigration background‘ (German legalese) by now, so we’re spending two figure billions each year on refugees and three figure billions on immigrants. Over two million Germans work for the welfare sector, one third of MPs does, too–it’s both the biggest employer and lobbyist that we have.

In other countries the economic interests are different–US corporations love to import cheap Indian or Chinese tech workers on fake H-1B visas, while construction, agriculture and other labour intensive sectors value cheap labour with poor qualifications. The latter applies to agriculture in Spain and France, too. I guess the ideological superstructure of open borders and diversity is mostly feed for the dummies.

The Economist is owned by billionaires who are likely to have invested their fortunes in shares, ie they own the means of production in Marxist terminology. It’s in their interest to export jobs to low wage regions and to import cheap labour in return. Open borders as a supposedly moral obligation of Western nations is the convenient icing for their cake–they can’t be frank with us, can they?

Some links:

50 years of Muslim immigration



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