
14. Februar 2009

The Independent: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Not So Universal Anymore

Filed under: UN — by M. M. @ 14:11:02
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Johann Hari / The Independent: Why should I respect these oppressive religions? – Whenever a religious belief is criticised, its adherents say they’re victims of ‚prejudice‘

The right to criticise religion is being slowly doused in acid. Across the world, the small, incremental gains made by secularism – giving us the space to doubt and question and make up our own minds – are being beaten back by belligerent demands that we „respect“ religion. A historic marker has just been passed, showing how far we have been shoved. The UN rapporteur who is supposed to be the global guardian of free speech has had his job rewritten – to put him on the side of the religious censors. (more…)

15. November 2008

KKK to lead UN talks on racist intolerance

Filed under: Islam,UN — by M. M. @ 17:49:08
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…no, wait–it’s Saudi Arabia to lead UN talks on religious tolerance, as reports the International Herald tribune:

Saudi Arabia, which deploys a special police force to ensure that only one narrow sect of Islam predominates in the kingdom, is sponsoring a discussion at the United Nations on religious tolerance starting Wednesday. (more…)

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