
25. August 2009

Animal Lovers

Filed under: animal rights,english posts,porn industry — by M. M. @ 10:26:54

Writes the LA Times on the Californian, um, entertainment industry:

During production of the 1997 movie „Mimic,“ American Humane Assn. representatives wandered through the Los Angeles set, ensuring that a herd of cockroaches was well taken care of. Licensed animal handlers were to follow state and federal anti-cruelty laws designed to protect the insects, which had been trained to swirl around actress Mira Sorvino’s feet. The roaches had to be fed at a certain time. They could only work a few hours each day. They could not be harmed.

At the same time, in studios in the San Fernando Valley, scores of other actors and actresses were working on movies. They put in long hours, commonly without meal breaks. They often worked without clean toilets, toilet paper, soap or water. More importantly, they were exposed to a host of infectious, and sometimes fatal, diseases.

Bugs get spoiled, bozos get to suck. Speciesism is ugly and not becoming diverse and vibrant societies. Love thy roaches as thyself, and better you pamper them buggers lest they get cocky.

Said Paul Watson of Greenpeace fame:

Curing a body of cancer requires radical and invasive therapy, and therefore, curing the biosphere of the human virus will also require a radical and invasive approach.

Cockroaches will survive us indeed, the Humane Assn., Greenpeace, and all those of good will will see to it.

related: Tough times in the porn industry,„the business, centered in the San Fernando Valley, is being undercut by a growing abundance of free content on the Internet.“ Video killed the radio star? So yesterday. Porn sucks big time now, every which way, thanks to digital capitalism–tough titty. h/t: German Joys

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